To elucidate is to explain, to make something clear.
The work of Elucidate Health is focused on taking the complexities in science and medicine and making them clear. When we communicate about anything, whether verbally or in writing, we simply are seeking to share information. Our goal in medical communications should be to share information about medicine in a manner that takes the complex and makes it simple and relevant. We want to elucidate the meaning behind the medicine.
Let’s consider how this approach may be applied in two different ways…
Life Sciences Research & Development Team
Your team has invested time, energy, and money in the development of a novel product, and it works. Your product is approved. It is tempting to talk about the “innovation” or the “cutting-edge technology” behind your new product. While it is certainly valuable to convey what is novel about your product, it’s also essential to do so in a manner that effectively reaches your intended audience. You can deliver a technical presentation to a technical audience. But you may take a markedly different approach if your audience is more diverse in their skill sets or less technical overall.
You need to elucidate the product features and benefits that matter to your audience.
Health System Medical Department
Your medical department is more comfortable staying with tried-and-true diagnostics and treatments, simply because keeping up with the evolving landscape of new medical product approvals is so challenging. You get new product information from industry, but are not sure how to make heads or tails of the information you receive. And these days, you are too busy to get to conferences as often as you used to.
When presented with a new medical product or method, you need to elucidate how it fits in to your practice and how it stacks up against familiar methods.
In both of these examples, the way forward requires distilling down what is known to reveal the most important aspects to communicate to colleagues, patients or customers. To do so, we all can be reminded that we will have an impact when we communicate with clarity and relevance, not with jargon and complexity. These are some of the cornerstones of Elucidate Health.
- Keep it simple
- Be authentic
- Know your audience
When you work with Elucidate Health, we will largely steer clear of buzzwords, lingo, jargon and the alphabet soup of acronyms that typically accompanies a field. Our goal is to communicate clearly and effectively – and usually that means doing so in a simple manner.